Bourgeoisie and Culture - Marxism and Intelligentsia - World of Art

This cultural and creative product to propose the better for the spiritual work as also to the economical processes and nomination of the basic role for social sectors to the Politician point “for people”, with it goal of pointing to the path of Light and Good. Those who increase their capital and help others can and do decide not only which Credit (faith) to serve, but also which Credit (faith) to reward the people with. When we work together, what we work on has its own purpose, the time we spend together should also nourish our souls, just as our souls feed the subject of our work. 

“Beginning” is what surrounds us, vision is our main sense, and therefore we live in reality, which we limit ourselves to

Information is something that needs to be presented carefully, without excess for reach the point not sort of everything to get into fake "common goals" as a way for "any" good or bad (information\misinformationthief or reliable-person To measure correctly, measures must comply with the goals - criteria and "icons". To create better life is to start from to select what is Best to have (as like Noah and his ark) therefore, the creative/poetic union is the Intellectual and Spiritual union - it is about qualities, it comes from 1) spiritual needs and the true essence of the human soul, 2) then all his "debts" that can be maximally combined with his capabilities and not "cut the heart", at least in most cases, as is the case with slaves. Culture&Style it is generic interests based on generic principles, a free, non-political but as result that “politics” should be consider the factors that make group of people to express the voice of Mind that consider that factors which necessary is what life build with and what for the Spirit (person) would work to may to live if not create to open mind or express it. That spiritual community for Credit in a Person and its Privileges, with the goal of arranging a Good Being, creating beauty through art and creativity, support for development and prosperity, communication and mutual understanding.

Culture&Style - the One Language to may be together

Today, the need for Culture&Style builds itself due to the desire of citizens and nations [národ] of different Regions of one ethnic group to be protected to realise the Better for them: 1) economy 2) education 4) Believes. Stated of the “recent past” is an almost constant repetition of history with an interval of 100 years, and work every 10 years, and in the opposite meaning - resistance with the aim of causing discord and absorbing the privileges of another. But we are not weak and should not Trust strangers, they exist and we see them, because we live in the same Planet but not the same World (MiR) [Peace] and we can all talk and understand each other. The Babilon as well such that as much we chose to what is “me”, “us” we can do better as single person chose one better language to live “where than”, what its culture gives but world mesure with its principles and national priority, the life organization of the Community this is real topic for Culture&Style

But what is the One Language? Our platform (the world) should be the spiritual center for those people, which also exists for interaction, which is a condition for its own growth (wealth and prosperity). Cultures that together represent diversity, thus complementing our ordinary life. Creativity brings into our lives the Idea and knowledge about Life, transforms the Desired Illusion into Reality.
Thus, our association was found to implement projects, events, with a Highly Spiritual accompaniment and the goal of serving Good, Love and Beauty (Art). And we consider Art to be a partner of good, and we see good naturally in its creative, diverse narration, however, the sinful essence and naked profit are essentially the opposite of the rules of events, which do not prohibit either the demonstration of naked people or various love-stories version, but elevate the Soul. gifted people, those who deserve to open those talent are need space that ready to grew Good feeling with right coordination and administration to build that better world when we may make it to be ready by explain and agree with what it came with necessity to construct such and what we should respect first of all.

"With the most primitive means the artist creates something which the most indigenous and efficient technology will never be able to create" Kazimir Malevich

From community "For the Art in to Life"...

The economic model strictly depends on the Ideology, since the value of a thing and the endowment of a thing with meaning, as in the case of tulips (bulb) depends entirely on culture, the degree of art and taste, as does education, especially approved. Any society that is created in order to approve the measure of size and canons of beauty, in general, is easier to manage and therefore possible when there is little, but the opposite is also true - its size is the guarantee of peace and the status of truth in the world. Logic gives birth to insight. An ordinary person lives to enjoy life and uses labor to fulfill his life. At any given time, these ununited people "flourishing" in one territory, under one banner (flag), having a single (native) speech, can create together with those who share with them the "taste for life" for its transformation also, instead of searching for its possibility (which is only in labor, knowledge).

Light of grace and Holy Scripture (Our Law and Science), enlightening by contemplation of saving truth. Since When we establish the world and thus appoint its territory - let's call the place conditionally "Atlantis", then our Formulas and things that we have endowed with knowledge and are now able to influence and improve, we are intended Influence and laws that the Universe itself, since we see not the worst of worldly examples and its past as prosperous, we establish according to the Proven and motivate our suitability and benefit for the choice of such and we appoint persons for ourselves - who we are, what is our character, what we are and for what and in the name of what we serve. Enlightenment and image (location and service) and manner of addressing each other, natural "background" to any occasion of an event or report, as a call and appeal, with the purpose of accepting those who already want to win in the "Dispute". Since the goal of any advice is to improve the standard of living - an illustrative example is constructive information, a person, like any creature, is first of all an empath and not an independent beginning.

Texte du Sacre

Cyril and Methodius

Two Brothers othen two personage are in history as Romulus and Remus  e cet., were missionaries in Moravia, which occupied the territory of modern Czech Republic (Česko-Slovensko/Bohemia). During their stay in Crimea, near Chersonesus, they identified the church in which the tomb of St. Clement had been located since ancient times, they removed and took his relics with them to Rome, and solemnly presented them to Pope, who approved the Slavic liturgical books.

Franz Kafka “When the Tower of Babel was built, everything was at first more or less in order; the order was perhaps even too great, they thought too much about road signs... This would only make sense if one could hope to build a tower in one generation. But this was in no way expected. Rather, one could assume that the next generation, with its more advanced knowledge, would find the work of the previous generation bad and would demolish what had been built in order to start anew... Each community wanted to have the best housing, because of this, disputes arose that escalated into bloody skirmishes. These skirmishes did not stop; for the leaders they were a new argument in favor of the fact that, due to the lack of the necessary concentration, the tower should be built very slowly, and even better - only after the conclusion of universal peace.”

"Всѣ люди рождаются свободными и равными въ своёмъ достоинствѣ и правахъ. Они надѣлены разумомъ и совѣстью и должны поступать въ отношеніи другъ друга въ духѣ братства". "Сѵмвол Вѣры"

Economy and Religion closely complement each other (in the Russian dictionary: [bogatstvo]) what under capitalism is "bought" as respect for money, in another culture (belives) is given through education (habits), so for example "socialists" could be given Hope, a factor that capitalism uses as an illusion, hope, to stimulate the workforce (pursuit of a dream). The warmth and vulnerability of a naked soul, which is natural, and we believe in the possibility of a perfect system of satisfaction with benefits and rational use of money, so that wealth ennobles, and not vice versa. This bridge between the soul and the way of existence is our world around, our body, our affairs, and therefore for our eyes, as for consciousness, we pay tribute to duty, with our thoughts, with what we ourselves strive for.

"Any modern architecture in which the ruler or the compass has played a role for even a second - even if only in thought - must be rejected." "There are so many lines, but only one of them is fatal, and that is the straight line drawn with the ruler." "The straight line leads to destruction" - Friedensreich Hundertwasser


“The last futurist exhibition “0.10” on the Field of Mars in Petrograd, 1915, Kazimierz Malewicz. The exhibition was organized on the initiative of Ivan Puni.

“Our world, like a charnel-house, lies strewn with the detritus of dead epochs.” ⎯ Le Corbusier, Urbanisme (1925).

Few lines by Lenin about the spiraling course of the dialectic in history, from his 1915 Granat Encyclopedia entry on Karl Marx: In our times, the idea of development, of evolution, has almost completely penetrated social consciousness, only in other ways, and not through Hegelian philosophy. Still, this idea, as formulated by Marx and Engels on the basis of Hegel’s philosophy, is far more comprehensive and far richer in content than the current idea of evolution is. 

A development that repeats, as it were, stages that have already been passed, but repeats them in a different way, on a higher basis (“the negation of the negation”), a development, so to speak, that proceeds in spirals, not in a straight line; a development by leaps, catastrophes, and revolutions; “breaks in continuity”; the transformation of quantity into quality; inner impulses towards development, imparted by the contradiction and conflict of the various forces and tendencies acting on a given body, or within a given phenomenon, or within a given society; the interdependence and the closest and indissoluble connection between all aspects of any phenomenon History constantly revealing ever new aspects, a connection that provides a uniform, and universal process of motion, one that follows definite laws.
Marx and Engels were not the the first to put dialectical development in the shape of a spiral. As Lenin indicates, Hegel before him visualized it as such. There’s another source of the “whirled image” in Marx’s theory: Jean Charles Léonard de Sismondi. Fredric Jameson pointed out in his book, Representing Capital, that “repetition — the selling of labor power week after week, its productive consumption by the capitalist in a cycle Sismondi rightly recharacterized as a spiral — never knew a first time in the first place.”

Tatlin’s tower

In 1918, the chairman of the Council of People's Commissars, Lenin, signed a decree “On the fight against anti-Semitism and Jewish pogroms.” On July 27, it was published in the newspaper Pravda. In March 1919, Lenin gave a speech “On the pogrom persecution of Jews.” Initially the idea of equality that the same lay at the basis of both Marxism and the general realistic approach to the spiritual needs of the “will to freedom” of all classes while religion is the opium for people. Psychology. That is why the basis of the idea of Art at the beginning of the 20th century was the idea of a bright mind - enlightenment and, in fact, a better life.

"The historian and the poet differ from each other not in speech - rhymed or unrhymed; they are distinguished by the fact that one speaks about what happened, the other about what could have happened. Therefore, there is more philosophy and seriousness in poetry than in history: for it shows the general, whereas history only shows the individual." Aristotle

Today, as always, thanks to the community to pay attention to the fact that “understanding” history, so differently, as some of us or others understand it, it is necessary to think about the fact that History itself ultimately applauds not the conflicts of societies, but their reconciliation. The comprehensive development of the people, with democracy, socialism, “vase” or “hypotenuse”, with a “successful” stable system*, as long as it is true, extensive and effective. This link, which invariably affects our heart and makes the mind create the best, is Culture, Art, also Fashion, a common popular (folk) and human value, and we are united for the sake of what unites the people.

Culture is a way for people to their national independence and liberation. Identity or "one's own specificity" is that independence that allows self-expression and thus unites with others whose ideas represent their strictly guarded culture, sometimes even as a field. To go shoulder to shoulder with its specificity, for example, at the state level, means to be sure that these people govern the country and implement development and prosperity in accordance with specific realities. The theory of our community is not a dogma, but a guiding ideology that must develop as practice develops, for the benefit of the life of its society, for the environment, and it justifies itself while it reveals the good that it produces. We must also study examples to create bright ideas for the future. This is our initial aspirations and mission for a worthy destiny and a happy nation, to unite and awaken inspiration in people. The responsibility of the community is to achieve progress for society and its common good and spiritual growth of the views of its participants (parts), for this its design is a whole party that will direct its agents (not members) to unite with people of friendly territories for the development of thought for the sake of the cause of peace and throughout the world, through art, for the purpose of a better life and information about it.

The light of grace and the Holy Scripture (our canons and tasks with the foundations of the "universe" (our hopes)), enlightening contemplation of the saving truth. Since When we establish the world and we thus appoint its territory - let's call the place conditionally "Atlantis", then our Formulas and things that we have endowed with knowledge and are now able to influence and improve, we are intended Influence and laws that the Universe itself, since we see the worst of worldly examples and its past as prosperous, we establish according to the Proven and motivate our suitability and benefit for the choice of such and we appoint persons for ourselves - who we are, what our character is, what we are and for what and in the name of what we serve. Enlightenment and image (location and service) and manner of addressing each other, a natural "background" to any occasion of an event or report, as a call and appeal, with the aim of accepting those who already want to win in the "Dispute". Since the goal of any council is to improve the standard of living - an illustrative example is constructive information, a person, like any creature, is first of all an empath and not an independent beginning (this is how the ceremony strengthened its right).

Manifest der 93

" We, representatives of German science and art, declare before the entire cultural world a protest against the lies and slander with which our enemies are trying to pollute the just cause of Germany in the difficult struggle for existence imposed on it. The events refuted the rumors circulating about fictitious German defeats. All the more diligently they are now working on distortions and fabrications. We raise our loud voice against them. May he be a messenger of truth.

It is not true that Germany is to blame for this war. Neither the people, nor the government, nor the Kaiser wanted her. On the German side, everything that could be done was done to prevent it. The world has documentary evidence of this. Quite often during the 26 years of his reign, Wilhelm II showed himself as a guardian of universal peace, very often this was noted by our enemies themselves. Yes, this same Kaiser, whom they now dare to present as some kind of Attila, was subjected to their own ridicule for decades for his unshakable love of peace. And only when the hostile forces that had long been lurking on the borders from three sides attacked our people, only then did they stand up as one.

It is not true that we brazenly violated Belgium's neutrality. It has been proven that France and England agreed on this violation. It has been proven that Belgium agreed to this. It would be self-destructive not to warn them of this.

It is not true that our soldiers encroached on the life of even one Belgian citizen and his property, unless this was dictated by the most extreme necessity. For constantly and continuously, despite all sorts of appeals, the population fired at them from ambush, mutilated the wounded, and killed doctors in the performance of their philanthropic duty. There is no more despicable lie than hushing up the betrayal of these villains in order to impute the just punishment they suffered as a crime to the Germans.

It is not true that our troops were brutally rampant in Louvain. Against the rabid townsfolk who insidiously attacked them in their apartments, with a heavy heart they were forced to retaliate by shelling part of the city. Most of Louvain survived. The famous town hall stands intact and undamaged. Our soldiers selflessly protected it from fire. Every German will mourn all the works of art that have already been destroyed, as well as those works of art that are yet to be destroyed. However, just as much as we do not agree to admit anyone’s superiority over us in the love of art, we equally refuse to buy the preservation of a work of art at the price of a German defeat.
It is not true that our military leadership ignored the laws of international law. He is not characterized by unbridled cruelty. Meanwhile, in the east the earth is filled with the blood of women and children killed by the Russian hordes, and in the west “dum-dum” bullets are tearing the chests of our soldiers. Those who have united with the Russians and Serbs and give the whole world the shameful spectacle of setting the Mongols and blacks against the white race have the least right to act as defenders of European civilization.

It is not true that the war against our so-called militarism is not also a war against our culture, as our enemies hypocritically claim. Without German militarism, German culture would have been destroyed in its very beginnings long ago. German militarism is a product of German culture, and it was born in a country that, like no other country in the world, was subjected for centuries to predatory raids. The German army and the German people are united. This consciousness binds today 70 million Germans without distinction of education, position or party affiliation.

We cannot snatch the poisoned weapon of lies from our enemies. We can only appeal to the whole world to remove false slander from us. You, who know us, who have until now, together with us, guarded the highest treasures of humanity - we appeal to you. Trust us! Believe that we will wage this struggle to the end, as a cultured people, to whom the testament of Goethe, Beethoven, and Kant is as sacred as our hearth and our allotment. This is the guarantee of our name and our honor!"


Civilization is power over the world - Culture is love for the world

The Creator of Life is a spiritually strengthened person who is aware of the time between the past and the future, understanding themself as a step for another into the future and therefore they, both the past and the future, exists for today, therefore the way Flourishes favors them when there Community for activity, serve to them, just as Them serve to there Community. That is why the presence of a Community and the meaning of a Nation must be reconsidered once again and for sure, for a sustainable understanding that the “standard of living” is perhaps somewhere an illusion, while a Community (society) that was created to provide the benefit of each other exists precisely behind this and because its well-being is protected only by itself, and its prosperity is both its logical goal and the object of one else’s dissatisfaction, just in case.